Amy Watton

Meet the NB Team: Louise Thomason

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May 15, 2018

Meet Louise

Next up in our “meet the team” series is Louise Thomason. A project manager, Louise has a background in journalism and spends time at NB creating content for our clients in Shetland, Orkney and beyond. Outside of work, while she’s not parenting her toddler son, Louise enjoys being creative through trying to improve her photography skills, writing a blog and music. And running, very occasionally!

Louise's Q&A

To get to know Louise a little more, we have asked her a series of fun questions that will hopefully give you a little glimse into her life outside of NB.

1. Tell us a surprising fact about yourself?

I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars films. That seems to surprise some people!

2. What are your top 3 life highlights?

In no particular order: spending 3 months volunteering at a primary school in South Africa while I was a student; any of the times I’ve sung on stage with my husband; becoming a mother to my peerie boy, Soren.

3. If Hollywood made a move about your life, who would you like to see cast as you and why?

There are loads of great options but I’d have to go with Elisabeth Moss. She was brilliant as Peggy in Mad Men, and an absolute bad ass as Ofred in the Handmaid’s Tale. (I’m definitely not saying I’m a bad ass, but she would bring some bad ass-ery to the role!)

4. If you could be any animal, which would you be?

A dolphin. I love sea swimming, so being able to stay under water for long periods of time and not be affected by the cold would be amazing.

5. What are your three most overused words/phrases?

“Cool”, “No worries”, “Totally”.

6. What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

At work, I’m really enjoying working on all of the things I’ve been involved in for Promote Shetland. Shetland is a special place, and it feels like a huge privilege to be tasked with promoting the islands to the wider world. I also really enjoy putting together newsletters and social media content for our clients.

Outside of work, I’ve just started recording a podcast for a series on my blog. Which is cool and terrifying, in equal measure!

7. What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?

I love food, so this is a really hard question for me… but if I had to choose, it would probably be the meal I had for my 30th birthday in Crab Shakk in Glasgow. Granted, I had been drinking cocktails all afternoon, but I swear I had the best langoustines I’ve ever eaten!

8. If you could live in any period of history, when would it be?

I’d love to visit lots of different eras to hear various kinds of music and have a general nose about, but I’d have a hard time living with the realities of the sexism and lack of equality that was once considered normal. We’ve a way to go on that front yet, but it feels as though the tide is turning and more voices are being heard in a bigger way than they have previously.

9. What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job?

I couldn’t choose one, so I’ll say creativity, a passion for design and a love of learning.

10. What technological innovation has made the most impact on your life?

I’m not sure these count as technology, but contact lenses! I’m blind as a bat without them. Glasses are fine too but I’m glad of contacts for things like swimming, and simple things like walking in the rain.

11. What would you name your boat if you had one and why?

Buoyoncé – admittedly I did pinch this from David Gifford’s list. That is inspired!

12. How would you convince someone to visit the place you love the most?

I’d tell them that the Tresta links in Fetlar is beautiful. The rest would be up to them.

May 15, 2018

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